


Product description

Chatbot aimed to revolutionise the recruitment process, brings the long-waited Artificial Intelligence solution to the table. XOR is now trusted by companies such as Heineken, IKEA, and McDonald's just to name a few.


We had to build a modern communication platform for recruiting teams. It must enable them to engage with candidates at scale and hire the best people.


I was responsible for doing all the research and design. I had to find a solution that makes recruiters and managers attract, engage, and recruit talents effortlessly.


UX/UI Designer








Design system

What is the future of hiring? chatbot and platform


Most recruiting platforms and job kiosks nowadays require applicants to create accounts before applying for an open position. Navigation is sometimes a lengthy and tedious process that increases drop-off rates.

The process for scheduling the candidate is usually back-and-forth, which is slow and energy-consuming. Usually, there is no available tool to track recruiter team communication that can optimize future campaigns.

First sketches and structuring of information

Persona & Journey Synergy

By weaving together detailed user personas with comprehensive journey maps, we've created a recruitment ecosystem that is both deeply intuitive and exceptionally efficient.

Emily Carter's persona, paired with her journey map, steers our design process, ensuring that every touchpoint on the platform is optimised for engagement, ease, and effectiveness. This synergy shapes a solution that not only meets the immediate needs of recruiters but also anticipates and adapts to their evolving demands.



Emily Carter

29 y/o Recruitment Manager at mid-sized tech company







• Degree in Human Resources Management and has been working in recruitment for 7 years.

• Tech-savvy, always looking for ways to optimize the recruitment process through technology.

• Very organized and values efficiency, but finds that her current tools are lacking in streamlining her workflow


• Minimize the time spent on scheduling interviews and managing candidate communications.

• Increase the quality of hires by efficiently screening candidates.

• Centralize platform to track the performance of recruitment campaigns.


• Frustrated by the high drop-off rate of candidates due to cumbersome application processes.

• Annoyed by the back-and-forth communication necessary to schedule interviews.

• Lacks the ability to effectively track and analyze recruiter team communication for optimization.


Seeking efficiency and innovation in recruitment, I'm always on the lookout for dynamic solutions that can streamline complex processes and connect us with the best talent seamlessly.

Emily needs to streamline her company's recruitment process. She's looking for an AI-driven platform that can save time and attract the best candidates without the unnecessary hassle.



User-friendly platform interfaces
Efficient candidate screening and scoring
Comprehensive dashboard for real-time analytics
Access to detailed communication statistics
Seamless integration with current systems


1. Define
1. Acknowledges the need for a more efficient recruiting system.

2. Sets goals for what the new system should achieve.
"Is there a way to make our hiring process more efficient?"
3. Hears about XOR at a conference.
"This could be the solution we need."
2. Research
4. Visits XOR's website after the conference.
5. Reads testimonials from other large companies.
"XOR is trusted by big names; it must be good."
6. Requests a live demo and is impressed with the capabilities.
"The AI chatbot could really streamline our process."
3. Evaluate
7. Compares XOR to other recruiting tools she's used.

8. Discusses XOR's potential with her team.
"How well will XOR integrate with our current workflow?"
9. Reviews how XOR scores and sorts candidates.
"This scoring system seems like a real time-saver."
4. Implement
10. Decides to adopt XOR and begins setting up the system.

11. Tailors the dashboard to match her team's workflow.
"Configuring this to our needs is simpler than I thought."
12. Trains her team to use the new platform.
"Everyone's catching on quickly. Good sign."
5. Optimize
13. Monitors the dashboard for recruitment statistics.

14. Adjusts messaging templates based on performance.
"We're seeing better candidates already."
6. Reflect
15. Analyses overall improvements in the recruitment process.
"The time we're saving is incredible."
16. Shares success stories with professional network.
"I need to tell everyone about XOR."


In-Depth Training
Roll out concise, role-specific training for users to maximize their proficiency with XOR's features, enhancing system adoption and effectiveness.
HR Software Integration
Seamlessly connect XOR with other HR systems to streamline the recruitment process, increasing efficiency and user satisfaction.
AI-Driven Candidate Insights
Leverage AI chatbot insights to fine-tune candidate interactions, improving recruitment precision and success.

AI - Chatbot

A personal interview scheduling assistant collects all the required data and takes the necessity to create an account away. It automatically creates a candidate profile, which the recruiter team can see on the other side. Every candidate gets a score based on his answers.


The platform's flexibility allows the recruiter to check and interfere in real-time at any point in the chatbot conversation. There is also the ability for managers to check the progress of the recruiting team. You can set up the system to show you just the candidates that meet the score you indicate, filter them by score, save time for the candidates and recruiter team.

👓 Clarity and Ease of Use
The layout is clean and intuitive. Emily can easily navigate through the list of candidates, crucial in fast-paced recruitment
💬 Real-Time Communication
Direct chat capabilities allow for instant candidate engagement, enhancing the user experience outlined in Emily's journey.
🗂️ Accessible Candidate Management
Simple navigation to add vacancies or candidates aligns with Emily's goals for managing multiple roles efficiently.
✅ Actionable Steps
The 'Actions' panel on the candidate’s profile is direct and straightforward, featuring clear calls to action like 'Invite to interview' or 'Reject'.
🎩 Hidden Action Buttons
Concealed actions behind dropdowns could slow down Emily’s workflow, contradicting the seamless interaction goal.
📈 Fixed Candidate Sequence
Non-customizable candidate sorting could force recruiters to sift through candidates inefficiently.
🚦 Lack of Status Indicators
Absence of 'Online' or 'Active' indicators would hinder real-time interactions, a key aspect of the recruiter's journey.
🖱️ Excessive Click-Throughs
Requiring multiple clicks to perform simple actions, such as viewing a resume or initiating a chat, would lead to a tedious user experience.


Recruiter or manager have access to all the statistic of communication in one place. This allows to see the results of candidates in real-time. Also it let’s you track which messages perform best to optimize future campaigns


In the prototyping phase of, we brought the recruitment experience to life, allowing us to test and refine every interaction. This process enabled us to identify and solve usability challenges before they could impact recruiters and candidates, ensuring a seamless and intuitive user journey from the outset.


I used the atomic design system methodology to build XOR design language. It helps with consistency, developing time so I as a designer gain more time to spend in other areas.

Streamlined Recruitment
half the effort for double the results with's efficient process
Faster Placements
a third quicker to match candidates with their ideal roles
Excellent Satisfaction
nearly all candidates would recommend
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