
I had to evaluate the application and think of ways that could improve the user experience. Rebrand the existing identity if necessary. Redesign and adapt to the mobile.


I did few usability tests, which helped me uncover some problems. It also helped me to find ways to improve the service. I redesigned the web app. I did a complete rebranding of the current identity to enhance its communication.


UX/UI Designer








Design system






Product description

Smart human resources tool. It helps you synchronize with your coworkers easily. Manage all the internal requests in one single place.

How is your company managing requests?

Empy.io - human resources web application


This project started because we as a team felt the need to automate the daily routines of people notifying management about them being late, ill, or needing a day or a couple of days of vacation. Also, we realized that having an archive of when and how long people requested certain services would be great.



Before redesign


After doing usability tests, I noticed a few problems. Every time a user lands on the homepage, he/she have to do the tedious work. It involved scrolling down to reveal the rest of the information and the essential functionality of the service. This resulted in supplementary energy and time drain. Another problem that I noticed from the tests is that it is tough to see new requests as a manager or administrator, which left them unnoticed for a long time.

After redesign


I gathered all the necessary feedback from the users and began analyzing it.  After defining the main flaws of the existing design, I got to the redesign (low fidelity). I mainly focused on the layout. My goal was to design a layout that fits any screen ratio without scrolling, and that is easy to understand.

Before redesign


As an observer, I noticed a few things. Users don't use breadcrumbs too often. It was my hypothesis cause there are just 2 level breadcrumbs on the web app. It resulted in inefficient use of space which hid the actual vital content. Also, I noticed that participants are overwhelmed with information and have difficulty dividing one employee from another. It resulted in cognitive load (a fancy way of saying busy or making your user overthink). A study by Samson and Kostyszyn (2015) found that people are less likely to trust when they have a cognitive overload. I also noticed that all the requests are numbered. It didn't add any practical help for the user. Instead,  the numbers used precious screen space that could be used more efficiently.

after redesign


It was a long iterative process till we came up with a final solution (low fidelity). Mainly, I focused on the data from the tests. I worked on the organization and sorting of info in a way that was understandable to the user. I divided requests by days which helped a lot with this. Also, I decided that the recent requests must have different date format like today and yesterday instead of xx.xx.xxxx which is much more intuitive. I made all the requests the same size with a divider which made skimming through requests even easier.


I used the atomic design system methodology to build XOR design language. It helps with consistency, developing time so I as a designer gain more time to spend in other areas.


Empy.io - human resources web application

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